Monday, August 6, 2012

Is Ziinga a Scam or a Legit Site?

If you're bitten by the Ziinga bug, well enjoy the Ziinga fever, bidding can really be addictive! Since my friends have been asking me a lot of questions lately about the entertainment shopping site Ziinga. Here's a cute video to give you some idea :

Still not satisfied, you think Ziinga is not real? Well how about a show of WINNERS from the UK! Ane yes, this grandma who has won herself a shitload of kitchen appliances.


  1. Grandma here looks like a Ziinga addict! Can you post a more thorough Ziinga review? I just want to know if Ziinga is real as it sounds! and not fake or a scam like the other sites are sayin'

  2. Grandma there is a penny auction hussy!
