Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Next Generation Q20 seems like a De-evolution

The Blackberry blog made waves recently by announcing the new Q20.

In the features listed, the very first thing Blackberry revealed is the return of the Menu’, ‘Back’, ‘Send’ and ‘End’ buttons and the trackpad.

The trackpad!! It lives!!!

After going forward and investing in the new gesture based touched screen, this seems like a step back for the company.

This isn't a surprising move though. The Q10 polarized the Blackberry community by doing away with the buttons and the trackpad. After all the hullabaloo, it seems like they have finally listened to the other group wanting a taste of the old times.

This might come too little too late for the fallen titan, whose stock values have plummeted far from their glory days.

Will this new phone be the new Hail-Mary pass for the company? More importantly, will the company live long enough to see the phone completed. Let's just wait and see.