My iPad 2 back bleeds, it breaks my heart. But that won't stop me from buying an iPad 3. Call me a consumer zombie, but I easily fall for gadgets like these. After reading some tweets about the backlit defect, I started going through every pore and pixel of my tablet and bazinga! I got the same thing! Maybe its something as banal like a wart, an ugly imperfection on a perfectly good piece of tech. Notice the misting on the sides, you can see the backlight go through the screen.
As these sought after Apples don't grow on trees and almost cost me my kidneys to get one, I took my iPad 2 back and demanded a replacement. Or else, really, I'm digging up Steve Jobs' bones!
They didn't have any in stock as expected, so I'll weather the wait for about a week. Hopefully, the next one I get won't have any bleed defect. May the odds be in my favor.